Rousselet Robatel offers a variety of control system options to ensure optimum centrifuge performance. Each control system is customized to meet the customer’s needs and plant standards.
We offer four primary control system options that range from manually operated to complete automation:
- Local manual control system
- Customer’s Distributed Control System [DCS]
- PLC Control System
- Delta V Control System
Distributed Control System – DCS
We can provide the necessary electrical components to allow for communication with an existing plant distributed control system.
Local Manual Control System
A local manual control system is frequently used with our pilot scale centrifuges. The manual control system includes an AC variable frequency drive to control the centrifuge’s rotational speed. The manual control system can be rated NEMA 4X for an unclassified area, or we can provide a Z-purged NEMA 4X enclosure for Class I, Groups C & D, Division 2 service. For Class I, Groups C & D, Division 1 or Class II, Groups F & G, Division 1 explosion-proof environments, we can provide a NEMA 7 or an X-purged NEMA 4X enclosure.
Z-purged NEMA 4X manual control system for Class I, Groups C & D, Division 2 service | NEMA 7 explosion-proof manual control system Groups C & D, for Class I, Division 1 service |
PLC Control System
- Includes local control panel, Allen Bradley PanelView / PanelMate
- Drive panel and main control panel
- Intrinsically safe or explosion-proof components
- Based on Allen Bradley Controller or user specified PLC
- Up to 10 product recipes
- Stand-alone operation or DCS communication
- Fully automatic or manual operation possible
- Custom systems using customer specified components
Click image for large view
Electrical cabinets for DCS (distributed control system) use
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Allen Bradley Control System installed in a clean room for explosion-proof service
Delta V control system
Rousselet-Robatel recognizes that highly regulated industries, such as pharmaceutical manufacturing, require very specialized automation systems to address process applications of various sizes. Today, major pharmaceutical manufacturers require the most integrated batch control capabilities available, and Emerson’s Delta V is frequently chosen as the solution for delivering superior control capability and unparalleled information access. The Delta V control system can simplify regulatory compliance issues associated with the FDA’s 21 CFR Part 11, OSHA, or ISO 9000.
Click image for large view
Delta V operator interface for a Rousselet Robatel horizontal peeler centrifuge
- General Brochure (pdf)
- PLC techsheet description (pdf)